Country’s cultural and natural heritage sites or areas listed on the World Heritage List are honorary for every country. Lithuania is proud of its four exclusive sites of global value and world-wide significance: the historic center of Vilnius, the Curonian Spit, the Kernavė archaeological site, and the Struve geodetic arc points. Visual material for the above areas:
Government of the Republic of Lithuania 2010 May 19 Resolution No. 544 on the appointment of authorities responsible for the protection of objects in the UNESCO World Heritage List in Lithuania
The Trakai Historical National Park is listed in the Tentative List of the World Heritage List.
2013 The Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO, together with the FOUNDATION OF THE ARCHITECTURAL ACTIVITY, launched a joint initiative – the cycle of lectures “UNESCO Heritage in the World and in Lithuania”. By 2015 December. 4 lecture cycles took place. You can find the idea and lectures of the initiative here.
2014 It has been 20 years since UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994. December 17 Entered the historical center of Vilnius, and 10 years ago, when in 2004, July 7 Recorded in Kernavė archaeological site, the Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO issued an anniversary celebrations for 2014. Calendar. It contains information about the features of the areas that give them an exceptional universal value and justifies their authenticity and integrity. This information accurately captures the photos in question.
It is an attempt to raise public awareness of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites – the historic center of Vilnius and the Kernavė archaeological site – and to raise awareness of the value of these areas.