Bradesiai Oak – a botanical object of Lithuanian natural heritage, which was declared a natural monument in 1960. It grows in Bradesiai village. The tree species – is a common oak. The circumference of the oak’s trunk at the height of 1.3 meters is 6.12 m, the height is 29 m. The tree has reached its natural maturity and is in the phase of stagnation.
Once upon a time, in a valley between the Bradesiai mound and Lake Sartai there was a huge oak grove. This sacred forest was called Tiltalemiškis (Tilteliomiškis). People remember that there was once a bridge here. The bridge was considered mythological. It connected the Hill of Souls (Velikuškiai mound) with Bradesiai mound. The name of the forest derives from the bridge name. The oak grove is now remembered by one remaining tree – the Bradesiai oak, and the sanctity of the latter – the altar built by the representatives of the Baltic religion. In this place, people of the Baltic religion often gather to celebrate holidays, perform ceremonies.