A monument to Prime Minister A. Tumėnas (1880-1946) in the birthplace of Kurkliečiai, Jūžinų sen. Antanas Tumėnas is a member of the Seimas, the Chairman of the First Standing Constitutional Preparation Commission, II Chairman of the Seimas, Head of…
Juozas Tūbelis – state, political and public figure, long-term head of the independent Government of Lithuania, agricultural specialist, press officer. His merits to the state are compared with those of Lithuanian President Antanas Smetona,…
P. Širvys born in 1920 in Padustėlis, Zarasai district. However, he grew up in Degučiai, Rokiškis district where his parents had a farm. Today, the birthplace is marked by a monumental stone. The future poet studied at the Aleksandravėlė Primary…
A monument to the signatorium V. Miron (1880-1953) in the birthplace in the Kuodiškiai village, Pandėlys eldership. A priest, a founder of Lithuanian primary schools in the Vilnius region, a member of the Lithuanian Science Society, a Vice-Chairman…
Writer, winner of the Lithuanian State Premium, born in 1906 in Trumpiškis village in Rokiškis district. Since 1928 L. Dovydėnas starts cooperating in the press. Started to sign the articles under his last name or nickname Vilimėlis. In 1931-1932 L…